Global Running Day

8 Ways to Celebrate Global Running Day

The first Wednesday in June is Global Running Day, and the Williams Route 66 Marathon absolutely loves to celebrate this holiday every year. Global Running Day is held just a few weeks before our official training kickoff event, the First Mile (held on June 24, 2021 at Fleet Feet Broken Arrow from 5 – 7 pm), so it gets us primed and ready for a great summer of running. In addition to going for a run on Global Running Day, of course, there are also tons of other ways to celebrate. Here are a few of our favorites!

  1. Sign up for a race and support the return of in-person racing in 2021! We might be biased, but we think the Williams Route 66 Marathon is the best choice.
  2. Pay a visit to your local running store and get fitted for a new pair of running shoes to start your summer training off right.
  3. Try running in a new place, whether it’s a different route through your neighborhood, the next town over, or a local track.
  4. Mix up your speed. If you always run at around the same speed, try speeding up for a shorter workout or slowing down for a long run.
  5. Check out local running-related nonprofit organizations and see how you can help foster the love of running in others. Might we suggest Kicks for Kids?
  6. Sign up for a virtual race with your friends to build up your excitement for in-person racing.
  7. Read a book about a famous runner.
  8. Listen to a running podcast for interviews with your favorite elite athletes and everyday runners just like you.


No matter how you choose to celebrate, we hope you have a wonderful Global Running Day!

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