Mr. Center of the Universe detour

Mr. and Ms. Center of the Universe

In case the free beer from Nine Band and extra bling aren’t incentive enough to take the Center of the Universe Detour during the Williams Route 66 Marathon, we’ve brought back another great reason to try the 0.3-mile detour. The first man and first woman to reach the Center of the Universe Detour on race day will receive the title of Mr. and Ms. Center of the Universe! You’ll receive a sash declaring your victory and a new title from none other than Ms. Route 66 herself, like the true king or queen that you are. You’ll also have the added bragging rights of completing the World’s Shortest Ultramarathon when you add the extra 0.3-mile to your marathon. There’s no need to register in advance – just make the decision on race day and take the detour at mile 25.5 if you dare!

Ms. Center of the Universe Detour

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