
Introducing the Virtual First Mile Event!

You know how we’ve said we’re pulling out all the stops to make our 15th-anniversary celebration our biggest and best Williams Route 66 Marathon yet? We weren’t kidding! Our Tulsa runners know that we kick off the start of the official training season each year with our annual First Mile event, but this year, we wanted to find a way to include more of our participants than ever before, no matter where they live. Enter the Virtual First Mile! The Virtual First Mile event, sponsored by Fleet Feet Sports Tulsa, will officially kick off the training season for the 2020 Williams Route 66 Marathon. Between July 6 – 11, participants will run, walk or ruck their first official training miles of the season no matter where they live. Your FREE registration includes a printable bib, printable finisher’s certificate, and access to our official Route 66 Marathon playlist that will make you feel like you’re pounding the pavement in Tulsa along with us. 

Registration for the 2020 Virtual First Mile event opens on July 1, and your first official training miles can be completed any time between July 6 and July 11. It’s free to register, and once you’ve completed your miles, share a photo on social media using the hashtags #RT66FirstMile #RT66Run and tell us how your run or walk went. Join us as we run our first mile together in July and finish our last mile together in November!

Register today!

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